
[ guhj-uhn ]
See synonyms for gudgeon on
  1. a small, European, freshwater fish, Gobio gobio, of the minnow family, having a threadlike barbel at each corner of the mouth, used as bait.

  2. any of certain related fishes.

  1. a person who is easily duped or cheated.

  2. a bait or allurement.

verb (used with object)
  1. to dupe or cheat.

Origin of gudgeon

First recorded in 1375–1425; late Middle English gogion, gogen, from Old French go(u)jon, from Latin gōbiōn- (stem of gōbiō ), variant of gobius goby

Other definitions for gudgeon (2 of 2)

[ guhj-uhn ]

  1. Machinery. a trunnion.

  2. a socket for the pintle of a hinge.

  1. Nautical. a socket attached to the stern frame of a vessel, for holding the pintle of a rudder.

Origin of gudgeon

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English gojoun, gog(e)on, from Old French go(u)jon, perhaps ultimately from Late Latin gu(l)bia a chisel; see origin at gouge Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for gudgeon (1 of 2)


/ (ˈɡʌdʒən) /

  1. a small slender European freshwater cyprinid fish, Gobio gobio, with a barbel on each side of the mouth: used as bait by anglers

  2. any of various other fishes, such as the goby

  1. bait or enticement

  2. slang a person who is easy to trick or cheat

  1. (tr) slang to trick or cheat

Origin of gudgeon

C15: from Old French gougon, probably from Latin gōbius; see goby

British Dictionary definitions for gudgeon (2 of 2)


/ (ˈɡʌdʒən) /

    • a pivot at the end of a beam or axle

    • the female or socket portion of a pinned hinge

  1. nautical one of two or more looplike sockets, fixed to the transom of a boat, into which the pintles of a rudder are fitted

Origin of gudgeon

C14: from Old French goujon, perhaps from Late Latin gulbia chisel

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