
[ kook-ree ]

  1. a large knife having a heavy curved blade that is sharp on the concave side, used by the Napalese Gurkhas for hunting and combat.

Origin of kukri

First recorded in 1805–15, kukri is from the Hindi word kukṛī

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use kukri in a sentence

  • And they went, with bayonets fixed and kukris bared; but the rebels waited not.

    The Disputed V.C. | Frederick P. Gibbon
  • On several occasions they hesitated to soil their kukris when they could despatch their victims in any other way.

    The Unveiling of Lhasa | Edmund Candler
  • The rest of the detachment piled arms, drew their kukris and proceeded to clear the jungle.

    Life in an Indian Outpost | Gordon Casserly
  • But a couple of his Sirmur men had sprung after him, and with their kukris they quickly despatched two of the pandies.

    The Disputed V.C. | Frederick P. Gibbon
  • The vicious kukris flashed and flickered and bit deep, and the sepoys fell to right and left of that living wedge of Himalayans.

    The Disputed V.C. | Frederick P. Gibbon

British Dictionary definitions for kukri


/ (ˈkʊkrɪ) /

nounplural -ris
  1. a knife with a curved blade that broadens towards the point, esp as used by Gurkhas

Origin of kukri

from Hindi

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