light pen

See synonyms for light pen on
  1. a handheld light-sensitive device used for pointing at characters or objects on a CRT in order to make or modify drawings or to indicate functions to be performed.

Origin of light pen

First recorded in 1955–60
  • Also called light pencil. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use light pen in a sentence

  • I headed back the way we had come until I was sure they couldn't hear me or see me with their black light pencils.

    The Old Martians | Roger Phillips Graham

British Dictionary definitions for light pen

light pen

  1. computing

    • a rodlike device which, when applied to the screen of a cathode-ray tube, can detect the time of passage of the illuminated spot across that point thus enabling a computer to determine the position on the screen being pointed at

    • a penlike device, used to read bar codes, that emits light and determines the intensity of that light as reflected from a small area of an adjacent surface

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