
or Med·e·vac, med·i·vac

[ med-uh-vak ]

  1. a helicopter for evacuating the wounded from a battlefield.

  2. an ambulance or other vehicle equipped for emergency transport of medical patients.

  1. any of the trained personnel transporting or otherwise tending to the sick or wounded in a medevac.

verb (used with object),med·e·vacked, med·e·vack·ing.
  1. to transport (sick or wounded persons) by medevac.

Origin of medevac

1965–70, Americanism;med(ical)evac(uation); presumably by ellipsis from medevac helicopter Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for medevac


/ (ˈmɛdɪˌvæk) /

  1. military the evacuation of casualties from forward areas to the nearest hospital or base

  2. a helicopter used for transporting wounded or sick people to hospital

verb-vacs, -vacking or -vacked
  1. (tr) to transport (a wounded or sick person) to hospital by medevac

Origin of medevac

C20: from med (ical) evac (uation)

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