mental reservation

  1. an unexpressed doubt or qualification about a situation, person, etc.

Origin of mental reservation

First recorded in 1600–10 Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use mental reservation in a sentence

  • "Correctly; I'm with you," agreed Bristow, still with the mental reservation that he would deal with Withers as he saw fit.

    The Winning Clue | James Hay, Jr.
  • I received this admonition with a decided mental reservation.

    A Journey Through France in War Time | Joseph G. Butler, Jr.
  • Such words conveyed no mental reservation—though his own heart told him he had over shot the truth.

    Sarchedon | G. J. (George John) Whyte-Melville
  • Will you, without mental reservation, take a solemn oath to defend, preserve and enforce same?

    The Modern Ku Klux Klan | Henry Peck Fry
  • When the end had come both officers and men surrendered as they had fought,—without mental reservation.

    Reminiscences of a Rebel | Wayland Fuller Dunaway

British Dictionary definitions for mental reservation

mental reservation

  1. a tacit withholding of full assent or an unexpressed qualification made when one is taking an oath, making a statement, etc

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