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[ men-yoo ]


    1. a list of the dishes that can be ordered in a restaurant or that will be served at a formal meal; bill of fare:

      Ask the waiter for a menu.

    2. the dishes themselves:

      First on the menu was a delicious broccoli soup.

  1. any list or set of items, activities, etc., from which to choose:

    What's on the menu this weekend—golf, tennis, swimming?

  2. Digital Technology. a list of options available to a user, as displayed on a screen or listed in a recorded telephone greeting:

    From the main menu at the top of the window, select Tools and then Internet Options.

verb (used with object)

  1. to make available for ordering at a restaurant:

    There will be one entrée and one salad menued each day.

    Some casual restaurants have begun menuing alcoholic beverages.


/ ˈmɛnjuː /


  1. a list of dishes served at a meal or that can be ordered in a restaurant
  2. a list of options displayed on a visual display unit from which the operator selects an action to be carried out by positioning the cursor or by depressing the appropriate key

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Other Words From

  • men·ued adjective
  • men·u·ing noun

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Word History and Origins

Origin of menu1

First recorded in 1650–60; from French: “detailed list,” noun use of menu “small, detailed,” from Latin minūtus minute 2

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Word History and Origins

Origin of menu1

C19: from French menu small, detailed (list), from Latin minūtus minute ²


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