
[ mur-man ]
See synonyms for merman on
noun,plural mer·men.
  1. (in folklore) a male marine creature, having the head, torso, and arms of a man and the tail of a fish.

  2. a highly skilled male swimmer.

Origin of merman

1595–1605; earlier mere-man;see mere2, man

Other definitions for Merman (2 of 2)

[ mur-muhn ]

  1. Ethel Ethel Agnes Zimmerman, 1909–84, U.S. singer, musical comedy star, and actress. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use merman in a sentence

  • When the crew travels underwater, they discover a land where the mermen and merwomen speak a Southern American drawl.

  • If these mermen had not seen a colonist before, he might resemble Those Others in their eyes.

    Star Born | Andre Norton
  • So he kept on, posting the last of the mermen in his mental relay well away from the city, but swimming upstream himself.

    Star Born | Andre Norton
  • Once again Dalgard read his mind and waved the mermen back, sending them through the door to the ramp and the lower engine room.

    Star Born | Andre Norton
  • Then, he must still be with the mermen, with the young stranger who claimed to be one of a lost Terran colony.

    Star Born | Andre Norton
  • And at his warning the majority of the mermen plunged into the stream, becoming drifting shadows below the surface of the water.

    Star Born | Andre Norton

British Dictionary definitions for merman


/ (ˈmɜːˌmæn) /

nounplural -men
  1. a male counterpart of the mermaid

Origin of merman

C17: see mermaid

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