
[ waw-king ]
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  1. considered as a person who can or does walk or something that walks: The hospital is caring for six walking patients. He's walking proof that people can lose weight quickly.

  2. used for or as an aid in walking: She put on her walking shoes and went out.

  1. suitable for, characterized by, or consisting of walking: True sightseeing is a walking affair. We took a walking tour of Spain.

  2. of or relating to an implement or machine drawn by a draft animal and operated or controlled by a person on foot: a walking plow.

  3. of or relating to a mechanical part that moves back and forth.

  1. the act or action of a person or thing that walks: Walking was the best exercise for him.

  2. the manner or way in which a person walks.

  1. the state or condition of the surface, terrain, etc., on which a person walks: The walking is dry over here.

Origin of walking

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English; see walk, -ing1, -ing2

Other words from walking

  • non·walk·ing, adjective, noun

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for walking


/ (ˈwɔːkɪŋ) /

  1. (of a person) considered to possess the qualities of something inanimate as specified: he is a walking encyclopedia

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