
[ sin-yoo-ee ]
See synonyms for sinewy on
  1. having strong sinews; muscular; brawny: a sinewy back.

  2. of or like sinews; tough, firm, braided, or resilient: a sinewy rope.

  1. having conspicuous sinews; stringy: tough, sinewy meat.

  2. vigorous or forceful, as language, style, etc.: a sinewy argument.

Origin of sinewy

Middle English word dating back to 1350–1400; see origin at sinew, -y1

Other words from sinewy

  • sin·ew·i·ness, noun
  • un·sin·ew·y, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use sinewy in a sentence

  • They are like misers with longer, quicker, and more sinewy fingers than other misers, in the gathering together of dollars.

    The Arena | Various
  • This was an operation indeed painful, especially so on the more sinewy parts of the hand.

    Torrey's Narrative | William Torrey
  • This wolf was rather heavier and decidedly taller than either of the big dogs, with more sinewy feet and longer fangs.

  • A throng of far more resolute and more sinewy people swept them aside, and seized every vacant place on the top of the vehicle.

    In the Year of Jubilee | George Gissing

British Dictionary definitions for sinewy


/ (ˈsɪnjʊɪ) /

  1. consisting of or resembling a tendon or tendons

  2. muscular; brawny

  1. (esp of language, style, etc) vigorous; forceful

  2. (of meat, etc) tough; stringy

Derived forms of sinewy

  • sinewiness, noun

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