
[ zip ]
See synonyms for zip on
  1. a sudden, brief hissing sound, as of a bullet.

  2. Informal. energy; vim; vigor: Wow, you've got zip today—too much coffee this morning?

verb (used without object),zipped, zip·ping.
  1. to move with a zipping sound.

  2. Informal. to act or move with speed or energy: I'll just zip upstairs.

verb (used with object),zipped, zip·ping.Informal.
  1. to convey with speed and energy: I'll zip you downtown on my motorcycle.

  2. to add vitality or zest to (usually followed by up): A little garlic zips up a salad.

Origin of zip

First recorded in 1850–55; imitative of the sound

Other words for zip

Other definitions for zip (2 of 5)

[ zip ]

verb (used with object),zipped, zip·ping.
  1. to fasten or unfasten with a zipper: Zip your jacket.Zip open the traveling case.

  2. to enclose or free by doing up or undoing a zipper: Zip this money into your wallet. Zip me out of my dress.

  1. Computers. to compress (a file) in archive format, so it requires less memory to save and store it.

verb (used without object),zipped, zip·ping.
  1. to become fastened or unfastened by means of a zipper: a handy purse that zips shut.

  2. to do up or undo a zipper.

  1. utilizing or having a zipper: a coat with a zip front.

  2. Computers. of or relating to a method of file compression: a zip file.

Origin of zip

An Americanism dating back to 1935–40; back formation from zipper

Other words from zip

  • zipless, adjective

Other definitions for zip (3 of 5)

[ zip ]

  1. zero or nothing: The score of last night's hockey game was 4–zip.

verb (used with object),zipped, zip·ping.
  1. (in sports) to defeat by keeping an opponent from scoring: The home team was zipped again yesterday.

Origin of zip

First recorded in 1895–1900; Americanism; apparently an expressive word, with z- of zero; cf. zilch

Other definitions for zip (4 of 5)

[ zip ]


Origin of zip

By ellipsis

Other definitions for Zip (5 of 5)

[ zip ]

  1. a floppy disk form of storage for computer data with a capacity of 100–750 MB, used primarily in the 1990s: a Zip drive;a Zip disk. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for zip (1 of 2)


/ (zɪp) /

    • Also called: zip fastener a fastening device operating by means of two parallel rows of metal or plastic teeth on either side of a closure that are interlocked by a sliding tab: US and Canadian term: zipper

    • (modifier) having or equipped with such a device: a zip bag

  1. a short sharp whizzing sound, as of a passing bullet

  1. informal energy; vigour; vitality

  2. US slang nothing

  3. sport, US and Canadian slang nil

verbzips, zipping or zipped
  1. (tr often foll by up) to fasten (clothing, a bag, etc) with a zip

  2. (intr) to move with a zip: the bullet zipped past

  1. (intr; often foll by along, through, etc) to hurry; rush: they zipped through town

  2. (tr) computing to compress (a file) in order to reduce the amount of memory required to store it or to make sending it electronically quicker

Origin of zip

C19: of imitative origin

British Dictionary definitions for Zip (2 of 2)


/ (zɪp) /

  1. trademark NZ an electric water heater

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