
[ muhm-ee ]
See synonyms for mummy on
noun,plural mum·mies.
  1. the dead body of a human being or animal, treated with natural or chemical desiccants and preservatives as part of preparation for burial, as notably practiced in ancient Egyptian and South American cultures: The Egyptian mummies on display, characteristically wrapped in multiple layers of linen, are more than 3,500 years old.

  2. a dead body dried and preserved by nature.

  1. a withered or shrunken living being: When this mummy of a guy walked in, we were not expecting him to say that he’s our new fitness coach!

  2. a dry, shriveled fruit, tuber, or other plant organ, resulting from any of several fungal diseases.

verb (used with object),mum·mied, mum·my·ing.
  1. Archaic. to make into or cause to resemble a mummy; mummify.

Origin of mummy

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English mummie, from Medieval Latin mummia, from Arabic mūmiyah “mummy,” literally, “bitumen,” from Persian mūm “wax”

Other words from mummy

  • un·mum·mied, adjective

Words Nearby mummy

Other definitions for mummy (2 of 2)

[ muhm-ee ]

noun,plural mum·mies.Chiefly British Informal.

Origin of mummy

First recorded in 1815–25; mum4 + -y2 Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use mummy in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for mummy (1 of 2)


/ (ˈmʌmɪ) /

nounplural -mies
  1. an embalmed or preserved body, esp as prepared for burial in ancient Egypt

  2. obsolete the substance of such a body used medicinally

  1. a mass of pulp

  2. a dark brown pigment

Origin of mummy

C14: from Old French momie, from Medieval Latin mumia, from Arabic mūmiyah asphalt, from Persian mūm wax

British Dictionary definitions for mummy (2 of 2)


/ (ˈmʌmɪ) /

nounplural -mies
  1. mainly British a child's word for mother 1

Origin of mummy

C19: variant of mum 1

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