
[ neer ]
See synonyms for near on
adverb,near·er, near·est.
  1. close; to a point or place not far away: Come near so I won't have to shout.

  2. at, within, or to a short distance.

  1. close in time: The New Year draws near.

  2. close in relation; closely with respect to connection, similarity, intimacy, etc. (often used in combination): a near-standing position.

  3. all but; almost; nearly: a period of near 30 years.

  4. Nautical. close to the wind.

  5. Archaic. in a thrifty or stingy manner.

adjective,near·er, near·est.
  1. being close by; not distant: the near fields.

  2. being the lesser in distance: the near side.

  1. short or direct: the near road.

  2. close in time: the near future.

  3. closely related or connected: our nearest relatives.

  4. close to an original: a near translation.

  5. closely affecting one's interests or feelings: a matter of near consequence to one.

  6. intimate or familiar: a near friend.

  7. narrow or close: a near escape.

  8. thrifty or stingy: near with one's pocketbook.

  9. (of two draft animals hitched together) being on the driver's left (as opposed to off): The near horse is going lame.

  1. at, to, or within a short distance, or no great distance, from or of: regions near the equator.

  2. close to in time: near the beginning of the year.

  1. close to a condition or state: He is near death.

verb (used with or without object)
  1. to come or draw near; approach: The boat neared the dock. Storm clouds neared.

Idioms about near

  1. near at hand,

    • in the immediate vicinity: There is a shopping area near at hand.

    • in the near future; soon: The departure is near at hand.

Origin of near

First recorded before 900; Middle English nere, Old English nēar, comparative of nēah nigh

Other words for near

Opposites for near

Other words from near

  • nearness, noun
  • o·ver·near, adjective, adverb
  • o·ver·near·ness, noun Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use near in a sentence

  • When the rear came up, two archers appeared in view, immediately suggesting the nearness of an enemy; and Bruce held back his men.

    King Robert the Bruce | A. F. Murison
  • All her old resentments and rebellions flamed up, confusedly mingled with the yearning roused by Harney's nearness.

    Summer | Edith Wharton
  • It sounded with a thrilling nearness, so lovely that it almost hurt, and instinctively I put out my hand and felt for hers.

    The Idyl of Twin Fires | Walter Prichard Eaton
  • The fact could no longer be overlooked, and as usual everybody was feeling surprised at its nearness.

    The Story of the Big Front Door | Mary Finley Leonard
  • I never, even at my loneliest, held a waitress or attendant in talk for any satisfaction I had in her nearness.

British Dictionary definitions for near (1 of 2)


/ (nɪə) /

  1. at or to a place or time not far away from; close to

  1. at or to a place or time not far away; close by

  2. near to not far from; near

  1. short for nearly I was damn near killed

  1. at or in a place not far away

  2. (postpositive) not far away in time; imminent: departure time was near

  1. (prenominal) only just successful or only just failing: a near escape

  2. (postpositive) informal miserly, mean

  3. (prenominal) closely connected or intimate: a near relation

  1. to come or draw close (to)

  1. Also called: nearside

    • the left side of a horse, team of animals, vehicle, etc

    • (as modifier): the near foreleg

Origin of near

Old English nēar (adv), comparative of nēah close, nigh; related to Old Frisian niār, Old Norse nǣr, Old High German nāhōr

Derived forms of near

  • nearness, noun

British Dictionary definitions for near- (2 of 2)


combining form
  1. nearly; almost: a near-perfect landing

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with near


In addition to the idioms beginning with near

  • near at hand
  • near miss
  • near thing
  • near to one's heart

also see:

  • far and near
  • in the near future
  • not anything like (anywhere near)

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.