
[ ni-gey-shuhn ]
See synonyms for negation on
  1. the act of denying: He shook his head in negation of the charge.

  2. a denial: a negation of one's former beliefs.

  1. something that is without existence; nonentity.

  2. the absence or opposite of something that is actual, positive, or affirmative: Darkness is the negation of light.

  3. a negative statement, idea, concept, doctrine, etc.; a contradiction, refutation, or rebuttal: a shameless lie that demands a negation.

Origin of negation

First recorded in 1375–1425; late Middle English, from Latin negātiōn-, stem of negātiō “denial”; equivalent to negate + -ion

Other words from negation

  • ne·ga·tion·al, adjective
  • ne·ga·tion·ist, noun
  • non·ne·ga·tion, noun
  • re·ne·ga·tion, noun

Words Nearby negation Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use negation in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for negation


/ (nɪˈɡeɪʃən) /

  1. the opposite or absence of something

  2. a negative thing or condition

  1. the act or an instance of negating

  2. logic

    • the operator that forms one sentence from another and corresponds to the English not

    • a sentence so formed. It is usually written –p, ~p, ̄p or ⇁ p, where p is the given sentence, and is false when the given sentence is true, and true when it is false

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