
[ non-puh-rel ]
See synonyms for nonpareil on
  1. having no equal; peerless.

  1. a person or thing having no equal.

  2. a small pellet of colored sugar for decorating candy, cake, and cookies.

  1. a flat, round, bite-sized piece of chocolate covered with this sugar.

  2. Printing.

    • a 6-point type.

    • a slug occupying 6 points of space between lines.

Origin of nonpareil

First recorded in 1400–50; late Middle English nonparail(le), from Middle French nonpareil, “unrivalled, peerless,” equivalent to non- non- + pareil “equal,” from Vulgar Latin pariculus, Late Latin pāriculus, a diminutive adjective and noun formed from Latin pār (inflectional stem pāri- “equal, an equal”) + -culus diminutive suffix; see -cle1

Other words for nonpareil

Opposites for nonpareil Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use nonpareil in a sentence

  • It was the custom then to cry, Chase some oranges, chase some nonpareils, chase a bill of the play?

    Haunted London | Walter Thornbury
  • The width of initials is very likely to make text lines after them of odd length rather than even picas or nonpareils.

    Typesetting | A. A. Stewart
  • Taunton has long been famous for its Nonpareils, which are there produced in great excellence and abundance.

  • It will keep six weeks in perfection, and is an excellent intermediate fruit, between the summer and winter Nonpareils.

    British Pomology | Robert Hogg
  • It seems to have become a favorite type with Shakespeare, who calls many of his lady characters "Nonpareils."

    The Shakespearean Myth | Appleton Morgan

British Dictionary definitions for nonpareil


/ (ˈnɒnpərəl, ˌnɒnpəˈreɪl) /

  1. a person or thing that is unsurpassed or unmatched; peerless example

  2. (formerly) a size of printers' type equal to 6 point

  1. US a small bead of coloured sugar used to decorate cakes, biscuits, etc

  2. mainly US a flat round piece of chocolate covered with this sugar

  1. having no match or equal; peerless

Origin of nonpareil

C15: from French, from non- + pareil same

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012