Other definitions for Nt (2 of 5)


Symbol, Chemistry.
  1. niton.

Other definitions for NT (3 of 5)


  1. Northwest Territories, Canada (approved for postal use).

Other definitions for -n't (4 of 5)


  1. a contraction of not: didn't; hadn't; couldn't; shouldn't; won't; mustn't.

Other definitions for N.T. (5 of 5)


  1. New Testament.

  2. Northern Territory.

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use nt in a sentence

  • I doa'nt swallow that story o' her'n. Depend upon it, man, it be a big lie fro' beginning to end.

    The World Before Them | Susanna Moodie
  • The answer suggested is that there were anciently seven strings, and that Terpander left out the Trit and added the nt.

    The Modes of Ancient Greek Music | David Binning Monro
  • Here the Mes is again the arch or beginning, but the order is the ascending one, and consequently the nt is the end.

    The Modes of Ancient Greek Music | David Binning Monro
  • Or should we say that the note omitted was not nt, but the present Parames and the interval of a tone (i.e. the disjunctive tone)?

    The Modes of Ancient Greek Music | David Binning Monro
  • The scale of a lyre was usually the standard octave from Hypat to nt: and that octave might be in any one key.

    The Modes of Ancient Greek Music | David Binning Monro

British Dictionary definitions for NT (1 of 2)


abbreviation for
  1. National Trust

  2. New Testament

  1. Northern Territory (of Australia)

  2. (esp in postal addresses) Northwest Territories (of Australia)

  3. (esp in postal addresses) Nunavut

  4. no-trump

  5. (in Ireland) National Teacher (teacher in a National School)

British Dictionary definitions for -n't (2 of 2)


contraction of
  1. not: used as an enclitic after be and have when they function as main verbs and after auxiliary verbs or verbs operating syntactically as auxiliaries: can't; don't; shouldn't; needn't; daren't; isn't

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012