ocean liner

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  1. an oceangoing passenger ship, operating either as one unit of a regular scheduled service or as a cruise ship.

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Origin of ocean liner

An Americanism dating back to 1830–40

Words Nearby ocean liner

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use ocean liner in a sentence

  • The slender steel shell of an ocean liner is not constructed to resist the law of gravity acting on full five thousand tons.

    The Pillar of Light | Louis Tracy
  • His room was as well arranged as the stateroom of the captain on an ocean liner.

    The Winning Touchdown | Lester Chadwick
  • I thought again of the ocean liner plunging in the opposite direction, and what my father was thinking at that moment.

    I Walked in Arden | Jack Crawford
  • And, after all, an ocean liner is from one point of view a retreat from the greater dangers of the streets of London.

  • You might as well have tried to shove in the broadside of an ocean liner as to push against that foot.

    The Depot Master | Joseph C. Lincoln