
[ of-ee-yoor-oid, oh-fee- ]

  1. any echinoderm of the subclass Ophiuroidea, including brittle stars, basket stars, and others, characterized by elongate arms radiating from the disk.

  1. of or relating to the subclass Ophiuroidea.

Origin of ophiuroid

1885–90; <New Latin Ophiuroidea the class, equivalent to Ophiur(a) the type genus (<Greek ophíoura, feminine of ophíouros serpent-tailed (ophí(s) snake + -ouros adj. derivative of ourá tail)) + -oidea-oidea

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use ophiuroid in a sentence