
[ oh-ver-ik-stend ]
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verb (used with object)
  1. to extend, reach, or expand beyond a proper, safe, or reasonable point: a company that overextended its credit to diversify.

  2. toextend for too long a time: to overextend a stay.

  1. to obligate (oneself) to more activities, work, etc., than one has time for or can accomplish well.

Origin of overextend

First recorded in 1935–40; over- + extend

Other words from overextend

  • o·ver·ex·ten·sion [oh-ver-ik-sten-shuhn], /ˌoʊ vər ɪkˈstɛn ʃən/, noun

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use overextend in a sentence

  • Fig. 37, a, by the dotted line represents the expansion at the moment of over-extension of the fetlock-joint.

    Diseases of the Horse's Foot | Harry Caulton Reeks
  • On the other hand, we know that a style becomes lifeless by over-extension, I mean by being relaxed to an unseasonable length.

    On the Sublime | Longinus
  • If in the past many great generals have been ruined by over-extension, so may they be again.

    The Reality of War | Stewart L. Murray
  • Shows the part played by the over-extension of German trade in bringing on the war.

  • The over-extension of credit is a not unknown American failing.

    The Armed Forces Officer | U. S. Department of Defense