
[ in-duh-vij-oo-uh-lis-tik ]
See synonyms for individualistic on
  1. prioritizing the pursuit of individual interests or rights rather than common or collective ones:In our culture we seem to be moving toward a predominantly individualistic mindset, where egoism is in and altruism is out.

  2. showing great independence or individuality in thought or action:Never has the nation produced a more brilliantly argumentative, individualistic, or opinionated group of politicians than our founders.

  1. Philosophy. of or relating to a belief that all actions are determined by, or for the benefit of, the individual, not society as a whole:The attempt to construct a new social order on the basis of individualistic doctrine was bound to fail, because the shared customs and practices that make up the common life of society are too valuable.

Origin of individualistic


Other words from individualistic

  • in·di·vid·u·al·is·ti·cal·ly, adverb
  • non·in·di·vid·u·al·is·tic, adjective
  • o·ver·in·di·vid·u·al·is·tic, adjective
  • o·ver·in·di·vid·u·al·is·ti·cal·ly, adverb Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024