
[ pan-tl-oon ]
See synonyms for pantaloon on
  1. pantaloons, a man's close-fitting garment for the hips and legs, worn especially in the 19th century, but varying in form from period to period; trousers.

  2. (usually initial capital letter)Also Pan·ta·lo·ne [pan-tl-oh-ney, pahn-; Italian pahn-tah-law-ne]. /ˌpæn tlˈoʊ neɪ, ˌpɑn-; Italian ˌpɑn tɑˈlɔ nɛ/. (in commedia dell'arte) a foolish old Venetian merchant, usually the head of a household, generally lascivious and frequently deceived in the course of lovers' intrigues.

  1. (in the modern pantomime) a foolish, vicious old man, the butt and accomplice of the clown.

Origin of pantaloon

1580–90; <Middle French Pantalon<Upper Italian (Venetian ) Pantalone nickname for a Venetian, variant of Pantaleone, name of a 4th-century saint once a favorite of the Venetians Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use pantaloon in a sentence

  • As soon as you turn your back they put on the pantalones and make the noises of a man!

    The Five Arrows | Allan Chase
  • "No hay pantalones," (there are no pants), Isidro answered, dropping his eyes modestly to the ground.

    Caybigan | James Hopper

British Dictionary definitions for pantaloon


/ (ˌpæntəˈluːn) /

  1. (in pantomime) an absurd old man, the butt of the clown's tricks

  2. (usually capital) (in commedia dell'arte) a lecherous old merchant dressed in pantaloons

Origin of pantaloon

C16: from French Pantalon, from Italian Pantalone, local nickname for a Venetian, probably from San Pantaleone, a fourth-century Venetian saint

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