
[ pent-hous ]
See synonyms for penthouse on
noun,plural pent·hous·es [pent-hou-ziz]. /ˈpɛntˌhaʊ zɪz/.
  1. an apartment or dwelling on the roof of a building, usually set back from the outer walls.

  2. any specially designed apartment on an upper floor, especially the top floor, of a building.

  1. a structure on a roof for housing elevator machinery, a water tank, etc.

  2. Also called pent, pen·tice [pen-tis]. /ˈpɛn tɪs/. a shed with a sloping roof, or a sloping roof, projecting from a wall or the side of a building, as to shelter a door.

  3. any rooflike shelter or overhanging part.

  4. Court Tennis. a corridor having a slanted roof and projecting from three walls of the court.

Origin of penthouse

First recorded in 1520–30; alteration (by folk etymology) of Middle English pentis, from Old French apentiz, equivalent to apent, past participle of apendre “to hang against” + -iz (French -is ), from unattested Vulgar Latin -ātīcium, noun use of neuter of unattested -ātīcius, equivalent to Latin -āt(us) past participle suffix + -īcius adjective suffix; see appendant, -ate1

Other words from penthouse

  • penthouselike, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use penthouse in a sentence

  • It is a terrible cold frost, and snow fell yesterday, which still remains: look there, you may see it from the penthouses.

    The Journal to Stella | Jonathan Swift
  • Here, the rocks rose again in wild shapes, forming natural caverns and penthouses.

    Basil | Wilkie Collins
  • He wore a hard, cruel red face, with keen grey eyes beneath penthouses where age had touched the original tawny red with snow.

    The Disentanglers | Andrew Lang
  • But the besieged expected this, and ran out at night their hoards or wooden penthouses on the top of the curtains.

    School Reading by Grades | James Baldwin
  • Once more the deep-set eyes looked out from their bushy penthouses.

British Dictionary definitions for penthouse


/ (ˈpɛntˌhaʊs) /

  1. a flat or maisonette built onto the top floor or roof of a block of flats

  2. a construction on the roof of a building, esp one used to house machinery

  1. a shed built against a building, esp one that has a sloping roof

  2. real tennis the roofed corridor that runs along three sides of the court

Origin of penthouse

C14 pentis (later penthouse, by folk etymology), from Old French apentis, from Late Latin appendicium appendage, from Latin appendere to hang from; see appendix

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012