
[ pos-cher ]
See synonyms for posture on
  1. the relative disposition of the parts of something.

  2. the position of the limbs or the carriage of the body as a whole: poor posture; a sitting posture.

  1. an affected or unnatural attitude: He struck a comic posture.

  2. a mental or spiritual attitude: His ideas reveal a defensive posture.

  3. one's image or policy as perceived by the public, other nations, etc.: The company wants to develop a more aggressive marketing posture.

  4. position, condition, or state, as of affairs.

verb (used with object),pos·tured, pos·tur·ing.
  1. to place in a particular posture or attitude.

  2. to position, especially strategically: to posture troops along a border.

  1. to develop a policy or stance for (oneself, a company, government, etc.): The White House postured itself for dealing with the fuel crisis.

  2. to adopt an attitude or take an official position on (a matter): The company postured that the court's ruling could be interpreted as being in its favor.

verb (used without object),pos·tured, pos·tur·ing.
  1. to assume a particular posture.

  2. to assume affected or unnatural postures, as by bending or contorting the body.

  1. to act in an affected or artificial manner, as to create a certain impression.

Origin of posture

First recorded in 1595–1605; from French, from Italian postura, from Latin positūra.See posit, -ure

synonym study For posture

2. See position.

Other words from posture

  • pos·tur·al, adjective
  • pos·tur·er, noun Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use posture in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for posture


/ (ˈpɒstʃə) /

  1. a position or attitude of the limbs or body

  2. a characteristic manner of bearing the body; carriage: to have good posture

  1. the disposition of the parts of a visible object

  2. a mental attitude or frame of mind

  3. a state, situation, or condition

  4. a false or affected attitude; pose

  1. to assume or cause to assume a bodily position or attitude

  2. (intr) to assume an affected or unnatural bodily or mental posture; pose

Origin of posture

C17: via French from Italian postura, from Latin positūra, from pōnere to place

Derived forms of posture

  • postural, adjective
  • posturer, noun

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