
[ ih-stab-lisht ]
See synonyms for established on
  1. founded, built, or brought into existence:The organization is getting ready to announce the first recipient of a newly established award recognizing outstanding service to the community.

  2. settled or installed relatively permanently in a position, place, business, etc.:The resort is a long established vacation destination with a strong reputation for delivering high-quality personal service to their guests.

  1. proven valid or true:Knowledge about the venom of the spider that bit her is sparse, and there is no established treatment for it.

  2. accepted or recognized:More recent research, however, contradicts the established narrative.Experimental psychology is an established field with a long history of research involving humans.

  3. firm or settled in habit or condition: Her established dislike of poetry meant she rarely received it for review.

  4. brought about, appointed, enacted, or ordained:Requirements include being covered by federally established health insurance, such as Medicare or Medicaid.

  1. the simple past tense and past participle of establish.

Origin of established

First recorded in 1350–1400; establish + -ed2 for the adjective senses; establish + -ed1 for the verb sense

Other words from established

  • qua·si-es·tab·lished, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024