
[ ree-en-tree ]

noun,plural re·en·tries.
  1. an act of reentering.

  2. the return from outer space into the earth's atmosphere of an earth-orbiting satellite, spacecraft, rocket, or the like.

  1. Law. the retaking of possession under a right reserved in a prior conveyance.

  2. Also called reentry card .Bridge, Whist. a card that will win a trick enabling one to regain the lead previously lost, especially the lead from a particular hand.

Origin of reentry

late Middle English word dating back to 1425–75; see origin at re-, entry
  • Also re-entry, re·en·trance, re-en·trance [ree-en-truhns]. /riˈɛn trəns/. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use reentry in a sentence

  • He therefore inclined toward the river, resolved to defer his re-entrance into the forest as long as possible.

    Wild Western Scenes | John Beauchamp Jones
  • As time flew on, the friends of Lady Roehampton thought and spoke, with anxiety about her re-entrance into society.

    Endymion | Benjamin Disraeli
  • No wonder they effectually frightened poor Adam and Eve from attempting a re-entrance into the Garden.

    Bible Romances | George W. Foote
  • Having given up vegetarianism on his homeward voyage he did not resume it upon his re-entrance on Mongol life.

  • It closed with a spring and cut off her re-entrance there, even if she had been disposed to turn back.

    The Lost Lady of Lone | E.D.E.N. Southworth

British Dictionary definitions for re-entry


/ (riːˈɛntrɪ) /

nounplural -tries
  1. the act of retaking possession of land, etc, under a right reserved in an earlier transfer of the property, such as a lease

  2. the return of a spacecraft into the earth's atmosphere

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