
[ ruhs-uhl ]
See synonyms for rustle on
verb (used without object),rus·tled, rus·tling.
  1. to make a succession of slight, soft sounds, as of parts rubbing gently one on another, as leaves, silks, or papers.

  2. to cause such sounds by moving or stirring something.

  1. to move, proceed, or work energetically: Rustle around and see what you can find.

verb (used with object),rus·tled, rus·tling.
  1. to move or stir so as to cause a rustling sound: The wind rustled the leaves.

  2. to move, bring, or get by energetic action: I'll go rustle some supper.

  1. to steal (livestock, especially cattle).

  1. the sound made by anything that rustles: the rustle of leaves.

Verb Phrases
  1. rustle up, Informal. to find, gather, or assemble by effort or search: to rustle up some wood for a fire.

Origin of rustle

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English verb rustlen; compare Frisian russelje, Dutch ridselen; imitative of the sound

Other words from rustle

  • rus·tling·ly, adverb
  • un·rus·tling, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use rustle in a sentence

  • The theater every evening, women's dresses rustling up against you, and continual excitement; one goes almost mad with it.

  • I'll jis' unhitch them oxen an' then, while I'm rustling up a bit of supper, you-alls can give me your story.

  • Then a butterfly whom he had met once or twice before came rustling up to him and began to talk.

    Fairies I Have Met | Maud Margaret Key Stawell
  • Then all with one accord the birds sprang rustling up to the lowest boughs of the elm, and settled themselves to roost.

    Moonshine & Clover | Laurence Housman
  • The theatre every evening, women's dresses rustling up against you and continual excitement; one goes almost mad with it.

British Dictionary definitions for rustle (1 of 2)


/ (ˈrʌsəl) /

  1. to make or cause to make a low crisp whispering or rubbing sound, as of dry leaves or paper

  2. to move with such a sound

  1. such a sound or sounds

Origin of rustle

Old English hrūxlian; related to Gothic hrukjan to crow ², Old Norse hraukr raven, crow 1

Derived forms of rustle

  • rustling, adjective, noun
  • rustlingly, adverb

British Dictionary definitions for rustle (2 of 2)


/ (ˈrʌsəl) /

  1. mainly US and Canadian to steal (cattle, horses, etc)

  2. US and Canadian informal to move swiftly and energetically

Origin of rustle

C19: probably special use of rustle 1 (in the sense: to move with quiet sound)

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