
[ druh-mat-ik-lee ]
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  1. in a way that relates to plays or the theater; in or as a play: The author's choice of words may imply that his text is to be read aloud or acted out dramatically.

  2. in a way characteristic of or appropriate to the theater, especially in involving conflict, intense emotion, or exaggerated speech or action: The speaker was quite a showman, first crouching behind the lectern, then rising up dramatically to demonstrate the rapid progress of some nations.

  1. in a way that is typical of a play in form or structure: The film is dramatically structured—not in its narrative form, but in the way it focuses on the faces, bodies, and voices of specific performers.

  2. in a striking way; with a striking effect or to a striking degree: During Hurricane Sandy, mobile internet usage spiked dramatically as people went online to get answers.Her dark hat and scarf dramatically set off her pale and delicate features.

Origin of dramatically


Other words from dramatically

  • non·dra·mat·i·cal·ly, adverb
  • o·ver·dra·mat·i·cal·ly, adverb
  • pseu·do·dra·mat·i·cal·ly, adverb
  • qua·si-dra·mat·i·cal·ly, adverb
  • sem·i·dra·mat·i·cal·ly, adverb

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