Simon Legree

[ li-gree ]

  1. the brutal plantation owner in the novelUncle Tom's Cabin who abuses and murders several enslaved people.

  2. any harsh, merciless master: Our math teacher is a Simon Legree. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use Simon Legree in a sentence

  • He knew just how to handle Simon Legree, and without Suggs things went fairly smooth—on the surface.

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  • He bears the same relation to gambling that Simon Legree bore to the institution of slavery of fifty years ago.

  • Give me a week or two to rest, and I'll be back in the lab bossing all of you like a Simon Legree.

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  • Then, the book tries to show how slavery develops the worst men, of the stamp of Simon Legree, the brutal overseer.

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  • With the stern look of a Simon Legree she demanded, "How dare you leave your seats!"

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