
[ snaf-uhl ]
See synonyms for snaffle on
  1. Also called snaffle bit . a bit, usually jointed in the middle and without a curb, with a large ring at each end to which a rein and cheek strap are attached.

verb (used with object),snaf·fled, snaf·fling.
  1. to put a snaffle on (a horse).

  2. to control with or as with a snaffle.

Origin of snaffle

1525–35; origin uncertain; compare Old Frisian snavel mouth, Dutch snavel,German Schnabel beak, bill

Other definitions for snaffle (2 of 2)

[ snaf-uhl ]

verb (used with object),snaf·fled, snaf·fling.British Informal.
  1. to appropriate for one's own use, especially by devious means; purloin; filch.

Origin of snaffle

First recorded in 1715–25; origin uncertain Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use snaffle in a sentence

  • They had snaffled the poor little shreds that Andrew Harben had made at the expense of decency—his wicks, his precious wicks!

  • A year's leave was among the things he had "snaffled out of the campaign," I to use his own words.

    The Day's Work, Volume 1 | Rudyard Kipling
  • Had to climb out and take them; but they've snaffled the lock-actions.

    Soldiers Three, Part II. | Rudyard Kipling
  • Tar and feather me, if they haven't gone and snaffled my '52 Madeira!

    Dry Fish and Wet | Anthon Bernhard Elias Nilsen
  • There was no doubt as to why, of course—a soldier had "snaffled" it.

    The Relief of Mafeking | Filson Young

British Dictionary definitions for snaffle


/ (ˈsnæfəl) /

  1. Also called: snaffle bit a simple jointed bit for a horse

  1. British informal to steal or take for oneself

  2. to equip or control with a snaffle

Origin of snaffle

C16: of uncertain origin; compare Old Frisian snavel mouth, Old High German snabul beak

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