
or stair-step

[ stair-step ]

  1. a step in a staircase.

  2. stairsteps, stairs; a staircase.

  1. a person or thing whose position, status, behavior, or the like suggests the shape or rise of the steps in a staircase: Their six children are stairsteps ranging from ages two to twelve.

verb (used without object),stair·stepped, stair·step·ping.
  1. to occur or move in a regular pattern suggesting the steps of a staircase: housing units stairstepping down the hill to the edge of the lake.

  1. suggesting or resembling the steps of a staircase, as in movement or shape: stairstep progress in improved appliance sales.

Origin of stairstep

First recorded in 1825–35; stair + step Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use stairstep in a sentence

  • The stair-step rack is most desirable where there is sufficient room for its installation.

  • Peggy sank back upon the stair-step with her handkerchief stuffed in her mouth.

    Chronicles of Avonlea | Lucy Maud Montgomery
  • He lighted his bed-candle with perfect steadiness, shook Ogden's hand affectionately, and mounted the stair step by step.

    Wenderholme | Philip Gilbert Hamerton
  • When they came in from their labors, Twaddles was still sitting on the stair step, but Dot had disappeared.

  • Just then several little stair-step children ran to peer up at the visitors from behind their grandmother.

    The Mystery of Carlitos | Helen Randolph