
[ stoo-dee-oh, styoo- ]
See synonyms for studio on
noun,plural stu·di·os.
  1. the workroom or atelier of an artist, as a painter or sculptor.

  2. a room or place for instruction or experimentation in one of the performing arts: a dance studio.

  1. a room or set of rooms specially equipped for broadcasting radio or television programs, making phonograph records, filming motion pictures, etc.

  2. all the buildings and adjacent land required or used by a company engaged in the production of motion pictures.

Origin of studio

First recorded in 1800–10; 1910–15 for def. 4; from Italian, from Latin studium; see study Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for studio


/ (ˈstjuːdɪˌəʊ) /

nounplural -dios
  1. a room in which an artist, photographer, or musician works

  2. a room used to record television or radio programmes, make films, etc

  1. (plural) the premises of a radio, television, or film company

Origin of studio

C19: from Italian, literally: study, from Latin studium diligence

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