
[ sig-nif-i-kuhnt ]
See synonyms for significant on
  1. important and deserving of attention; of consequence: Their advice played a significant role in saving my marriage.

  2. relatively large in amount or quantity: a significant decrease in revenue.

  1. having or expressing a meaning; indicative: a significant symbol of royalty.

  2. having a special, secret, or disguised meaning; suggestive: a significant wink.

  3. Statistics. of or relating to observations that are unlikely to occur by chance and that therefore indicate a systematic cause: Memory training produced a statistically significant improvement in group performance.

  1. something significant; a sign.

Origin of significant

First recorded in 1565–75; from Latin significant- (stem of significāns ), present participle of the verbsignificāre “to indicate, denote”; see signify, -ant

Other words for significant

Other words from significant

  • sig·nif·i·cant·ly, adverb
  • non·sig·nif·i·cant, adjective
  • su·per·sig·nif·i·cant, adjective
  • un·sig·nif·i·cant, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for significant


/ (sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt) /

  1. having or expressing a meaning; indicative

  2. having a covert or implied meaning; suggestive

  1. important, notable, or momentous

  2. statistics of or relating to a difference between a result derived from a hypothesis and its observed value that is too large to be attributed to chance and that therefore tends to refute the hypothesis

Origin of significant

C16: from Latin significāre to signify

Derived forms of significant

  • significantly, adverb

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