
[ gal-uhnt-lee ]
See synonyms for gallantly on
  1. in a way that shows exceptional politeness and attentiveness to others, especially women: My husband gallantly offered to hitchhike to a gas station while I remained on the boat with our dog.

  2. in a courageous, spirited, or noble-minded way: He fell while gallantly leading his platoon in one of the hardest-fought battles of the war.

  1. in a grand, showy, or magnificent way: I've heard stories about how he would parade around gallantly in full knightly attire at the Renaissance fair.

Origin of gallantly

First recorded in 1550–60; gallant + -ly

Other words from gallantly

  • qua·si-gal·lant·ly, adverb
  • su·per·gal·lant·ly, adverb
  • un·gal·lant·ly, adverb Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024