surround sound

[ suh-round-sound ]

  1. an array of movie theater speakers, or the collective components of a home entertainment system, as speakers and an audio receiver, delivering audio from different channels of a soundtrack to convey directional sound, typically used to enhance the immersive experience of watching entertainment on a screen: Having surround sound really makes the whole television experience better, not just for movies, but sports too!

  1. of or relating to such a collection of three or more speakers delivering multichannel audio to create an immersive experience at home or in a theater: With five or seven surround sound speakers, you can hear video game enemies approaching from a specific direction—a real advantage over the TV audio output.

Origin of surround sound

First recorded in 1965–70 Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for surround sound

surround sound

  1. a system of sound recording and reproduction that uses three or more independent recording channels and loudspeakers in order to give the impression that the listener is surrounded by the sound sources: Compare quadraphonics See also ambisonics

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