tanbark oak

  1. any oak that yields tanbark, especially the evergreen oak Notholithocarpus densiflora of the Pacific coast of North America.

Origin of tanbark oak

An Americanism dating back to 1880–85

Words Nearby tanbark oak

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use tanbark oak in a sentence

  • What occurred with chestnut oak and hemlock in the East, is occurring with tanbark oak in the West.

    American Forest Trees | Henry H. Gibson
  • A few months later, when fire runs through, the end of the tanbark oak on that tract is accomplished.

    American Forest Trees | Henry H. Gibson
  • It would seem, therefore, that the tanbark oak will hold at least part of the ground where nature planted it.

    American Forest Trees | Henry H. Gibson
  • The structure is similar to that of California live oak, but the pores of tanbark oak are smaller.

    American Forest Trees | Henry H. Gibson
  • In northern California the bark is sometimes mixed with that of tanbark oak and sold to tanneries.

    American Forest Trees | Henry H. Gibson