
[ tes-tuh-moh-nee-uhl ]
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  1. a written declaration certifying to a person's character, conduct, or qualifications, or to the value, excellence, etc., of a thing; a letter or written statement of recommendation.

  2. something given or done as an expression of esteem, admiration, or gratitude.

  1. pertaining to or serving as a testimonial: a testimonial dinner for the retiring dean.

Origin of testimonial

First recorded in 1375–1425; late Middle English word from Late Latin word testimōniālis.See testimony, -al1

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use testimonial in a sentence

  • Many of these testimonials of friendship and regard were of gold and silver, and set with diamonds of the finest water.

  • Innumerable testimonials could be quoted from observers in evidence of the superior mental powers of the apes.

    Man And His Ancestor | Charles Morris
  • Numbers are constantly bearing testimony to their great value, as may be seen from the Testimonials published from time to time.

    Friend Mac Donald | Max O'Rell
  • "But the captain said he had good testimonials," Miss Hudson persisted.

    A Final Reckoning | G. A. Henty

British Dictionary definitions for testimonial


/ (ˌtɛstɪˈməʊnɪəl) /

    • a recommendation of the character, ability, etc, of a person or of the quality of a consumer product or service, esp by a person whose opinion is valued

    • (as modifier): testimonial advertising

  1. a formal statement of truth or fact

  1. a tribute given for services or achievements

  2. a sports match to raise money for a particular player

  1. of or relating to a testimony or testimonial

usage For testimonial

Testimonial is sometimes wrongly used where testimony is meant: his re-election is a testimony (not a testimonial) to his popularity with his constituents

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