
[ te-trahrk, tee- ]

  1. any ruler of a fourth part, division, etc.

  2. a subordinate ruler.

  1. one of four joint rulers or chiefs.

  2. the ruler of the fourth part of a country or province in the ancient Roman Empire.

Origin of tetrarch

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English, tetrarcha, tetrarke, from Late Latin tetrarcha, variant of Latin tetrarchēs, from Greek tetrárchēs; see tetr-, -arch

Other words from tetrarch

  • te·trar·chy, te·trarch·ate [te-trahr-keyt, -kit, tee-], /ˈtɛ trɑrˌkeɪt, -kɪt, ˈti-/, noun
  • te·trar·chic [te-trahr-kik, ti-], /tɛˈtrɑr kɪk, tɪ-/, te·trar·chi·cal, adjective

Words Nearby tetrarch

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use tetrarch in a sentence

  • As if to confirm his fears the two soldiers begin discussing the tetrarch's sombre looks.

    Oscar Wilde | Leonard Cresswell Ingleby
  • Mention is also made of the mandate he received to carry it out in the shape of the tetrarch's death ring.

    Oscar Wilde | Leonard Cresswell Ingleby
  • The chorus, in the person of soldiers, once again draws attention to the sombre aspect of the tetrarch.

    Oscar Wilde | Leonard Cresswell Ingleby
  • Meanwhile the cowering tetrarch covers his face with his cloak and a smile of triumph illumines the face of Herodias.

    Oscar Wilde | Leonard Cresswell Ingleby
  • She told him she had gone up three in saying seven times in the multiplication table, and four in spelling "tetrarch."

    A Little Girl in Old New York | Amanda Millie Douglas

British Dictionary definitions for tetrarch


/ (ˈtɛtrɑːk) /

  1. the ruler of one fourth of a country

  2. a subordinate ruler, esp of Syria under the Roman Empire

  1. the commander of one of the smaller subdivisions of a Macedonian phalanx

  2. any of four joint rulers

Origin of tetrarch

C14: from Greek tetrarkhēs; see tetra-, -arch

Derived forms of tetrarch

  • tetrarchate (tɛˈtrɑːˌkeɪt, -kɪt), noun
  • tetrarchic or tetrarchical, adjective
  • tetrarchy, noun

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012