
[ thrawng, throng ]
See synonyms for throng on
  1. a multitude of people crowded or assembled together; crowd.

  2. a great number of things crowded or considered together: a throng of memories.

  1. Chiefly Scot. pressure, as of work.

verb (used without object)
  1. to assemble, collect, or go in large numbers; crowd.

verb (used with object)
  1. to crowd or press upon; jostle.

  2. to fill or occupy with or as with a crowd: He thronged the picture with stars.

  1. to bring or drive together into or as into a crowd, heap, or collection.

  2. to fill by crowding or pressing into: They thronged the small room.

adjectiveScot. and North England.
  1. filled with people or objects; crowded.

  2. (of time) filled with things to do; busy.

Origin of throng

before 1000; (noun) Middle English; Old English gethrang; cognate with Dutch drang,German Drang pressure, Old Norse thrǫng throng; (adj. and v.) Middle English; akin to the noun; compare obsolete thring to press

synonym study For throng

1. See crowd1.

Other words for throng

Other words from throng

  • in·ter·throng·ing, adjective
  • o·ver·throng, verb
  • un·thronged, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use throng in a sentence

  • Throngs of natives squatted about, watching the final preparations, and doubtless wondered what the strange, swaying object was.

    In Africa | John T. McCutcheon
  • The Panathena lasted several days, and attracted throngs of people from all parts of Greece.

    Greek Sculpture | Estelle M. Hurll
  • Th' resthrants are crowded nightly an' great throngs are seen in Main Sthreet undher th' brilliant illuminations.

    Mr. Dooley Says | Finley Dunne
  • As after wolf wolf presses, leaping through the snow-glades,So woe on woe throngs surging up.

    The Saint's Tragedy | Charles Kingsley
  • Adding to the confusion were the throngs of sightseers and fugitives who crowded the narrow roads.

British Dictionary definitions for throng


/ (θrɒŋ) /

  1. a great number of people or things crowded together

  1. to gather in or fill (a place) in large numbers; crowd

  2. (tr) to hem in (a person); jostle

  1. Yorkshire dialect (postpositive) busy

Origin of throng

Old English gethrang; related to Old Norse throng, Old High German drangōd

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