
[ tahym ]
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  1. the system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another.

  2. duration regarded as belonging to the present life as distinct from the life to come or from eternity; finite duration.

  1. Sometimes Time . a system or method of measuring or reckoning the passage of time: mean time;apparent time;Greenwich Time.

  2. a limited period or interval, as between two successive events: a long time.

  3. a particular period considered as distinct from other periods: Youth is the best time of life.

  4. Often times .

    • a period in the history of the world, or contemporary with the life or activities of a notable person: prehistoric times;in Lincoln's time.

    • the period or era now or previously present: How times have changed!

    • a period considered with reference to its events or prevailing conditions, tendencies, ideas, etc.: hard times;a time of war.

  5. a prescribed or allotted period, such as the span of one's life, the term allowed for payment of a debt, etc.: The time she was given on this earth was short, but rich.Loans can be made for a maximum time of 10 years.

  6. the end of a prescribed or allotted period, as of one's life or a pregnancy: His time had come, but there was no one left to mourn over him.When her time came, her husband accompanied her to the delivery room.

  7. a period with reference to personal experience of a specified kind: to have a good time;a hot time in the old town tonight.

  8. a period of work of an employee, or the pay for it; working hours or days or an hourly or daily pay rate.

  9. Informal. a term of enforced duty or imprisonment: to serve time in the army;do time in prison.

  10. the period necessary for or occupied by something: The time of the baseball game was three hours and two minutes.The bus takes too much time, so I'll take a plane.

  11. leisure time; sufficient or spare time: to have time for a vacation;I have no time to stop now.

  12. a particular or definite point in time, as indicated by a clock: What time is it?

  13. a particular part of a year, day, etc.; season or period: It's time for lunch.

  14. an appointed, fit, due, or proper instant or period: a time for sowing;the time when the sun crosses the meridian;There is a time for everything.

  15. the particular point in time when an event is scheduled to take place: train time;curtain time.

  16. an indefinite, frequently prolonged period or duration in the future: Time will tell if what we have done here today was right.

  17. the right occasion or opportunity: to watch one's time.

  18. each occasion of a recurring action or event: to do a thing five times;It's the pitcher's time at bat.

  19. times, used as a multiplicative word in phrasal combinations expressing how many instances of a quantity or factor are taken together: Two goes into six three times;five times faster.

  20. Drama. one of the three unities.: Compare unity (def. 8).

  21. Prosody. a unit or a group of units in the measurement of meter.

  22. Music.

    • tempo; relative rapidity of movement.

    • the metrical duration of a note or rest.

    • proper or characteristic tempo.

    • the general movement of a particular kind of musical composition with reference to its rhythm, metrical structure, and tempo.

    • the movement of a dance or the like to music so arranged: waltz time.

  23. Military. rate of marching, calculated on the number of paces taken per minute: double time;quick time.

  24. Manège. each completed action or movement of the horse.

  1. of, relating to, or showing the passage of time.

  2. (of an explosive device) containing a clock so that it will detonate at the desired moment: a time bomb.

  1. Commerce. payable at a stated period of time after presentment: time drafts or notes.

  2. of or relating to purchases on the installment plan, or with payment postponed.

verb (used with object),timed, tim·ing.
  1. to measure or record the speed, duration, or rate of: to time a race.

  2. to fix the duration of: The proctor timed the test at 15 minutes.

  1. to fix the interval between (actions, events, etc.): They timed their strokes at six per minute.

  2. to regulate (a train, clock, etc.) as to time.

  3. to appoint or choose the moment or occasion for; schedule: He timed the attack perfectly.

verb (used without object),timed, tim·ing.
  1. to keep time; sound or move in unison.

Idioms about time

  1. against time, in an effort to finish something within a limited period: We worked against time to get out the newspaper.

  2. ahead of time, before the time due; early: The building was completed ahead of time.

  1. at one time,

    • once; in a former time: At one time they owned a restaurant.

    • at the same time; at once: They all tried to talk at one time.

  2. at the same time, nevertheless; yet: I'd like to try it, but at the same time I'm a little afraid.

  3. at times, at intervals; occasionally: At times the city becomes intolerable.

  4. beat someone's time, Slang. to compete for or win a person being dated or courted by another; prevail over a rival: He accused me, his own brother, of trying to beat his time.

  5. behind the times, old-fashioned; dated: These attitudes are behind the times.

  6. for the time being, temporarily; for the present: Let's forget about it for the time being.

  7. from time to time, on occasion; occasionally; at intervals: She comes to see us from time to time.

  8. gain time, to postpone in order to make preparations or gain an advantage; delay the outcome of: He hoped to gain time by putting off signing the papers for a few days more.

  9. in good time,

    • at the right time; on time; punctually.

    • in advance of the right time; early: We arrived at the appointed spot in good time.

  10. in no time, in a very brief time; almost at once: Working together, they cleaned the entire house in no time.

  11. in time,

    • early enough: to come in time for dinner.

    • in the future; eventually: In time he'll see what is right.

    • in the correct rhythm or tempo: There would always be at least one child who couldn't play in time with the music.

  12. keep time,

    • to record time, as a watch or clock does.

    • to mark or observe the tempo.

    • to perform rhythmic movements in unison.

  13. kill time, to occupy oneself with some activity to make time pass quickly: While I was waiting, I killed time counting the cars on the freight trains.

  14. make time,

    • to move quickly, especially in an attempt to recover lost time.

    • to travel at a particular speed.

  15. make time with, Slang. to pursue or take as a sexual partner.

  16. many a time, again and again; frequently: Many a time they didn't have enough to eat and went to bed hungry.

  17. mark time,

    • to suspend progress temporarily, as to await developments; fail to advance.

    • Military. to move the feet alternately as in marching, but without advancing.

  18. on one's own time, during one's free time; without payment: He worked out more efficient production methods on his own time.

  19. on time,

    • at the specified time; punctually.

    • to be paid for within a designated period of time, as in installments: Many people are never out of debt because they buy everything on time.

  20. out of time, not in the proper rhythm: His singing was out of time with the music.

  21. pass the time of day, to converse briefly with or greet someone: The women would stop in the market to pass the time of day.

  22. sign of the times. See entry at sign of the times.

  23. take one's time, to be slow or leisurely; dawdle: Speed was important here, but he just took his time.

  24. time after time, again and again; repeatedly; often: I've told him time after time not to slam the door.

  25. time and time again, repeatedly; often: Time and time again I warned her to stop smoking.: Also time and again.

  26. time of life, (one's) age: At your time of life you must be careful not to overdo things.

  27. time of one's life, Informal. an extremely enjoyable experience: They had the time of their lives on their trip to Europe.

Origin of time

First recorded before 900; Middle English, Old English tīma; cognate with Old Norse tīmi; akin to tide1

Other words for time

Other words from time

  • re·time, verb (used with object), re·timed, re·tim·ing.
  • un·timed, adjective

Words that may be confused with time

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for time


/ (taɪm) /

    • the continuous passage of existence in which events pass from a state of potentiality in the future, through the present, to a state of finality in the past

    • (as modifier): time travel Related adjective: temporal

  1. physics a quantity measuring duration, usually with reference to a periodic process such as the rotation of the earth or the vibration of electromagnetic radiation emitted from certain atoms. In classical mechanics, time is absolute in the sense that the time of an event is independent of the observer. According to the theory of relativity it depends on the observer's frame of reference. Time is considered as a fourth coordinate required, along with three spatial coordinates, to specify an event: See caesium clock, second 2 (def. 1), space-time

  1. a specific point on this continuum expressed in terms of hours and minutes: the time is four o'clock

  2. a system of reckoning for expressing time: Greenwich mean time

    • a definite and measurable portion of this continuum

    • (as modifier): time limit

    • an accepted period such as a day, season, etc

    • (in combination): springtime

  3. an unspecified interval; a while: I was there for a time

  4. (often plural) a period or point marked by specific attributes or events: the Victorian times; time for breakfast

  5. a sufficient interval or period: have you got time to help me?

  6. an instance or occasion: I called you three times

  7. an occasion or period of specified quality: have a good time; a miserable time

  8. the duration of human existence

  9. the heyday of human life: in her time she was a great star

  10. a suitable period or moment: it's time I told you

  11. the expected interval in which something is done: the flying time from New York to London was seven hours

  12. a particularly important moment, esp childbirth or death: her time had come

  13. (plural) indicating a degree or amount calculated by multiplication with the number specified: ten times three is thirty; he earns four times as much as me

  14. (often plural) the fashions, thought, etc, of the present age (esp in the phrases ahead of one's time, behind the times)

  15. British (in bars, pubs, etc) short for closing time

  16. informal a term in jail (esp in the phrase do time)

    • a customary or full period of work

    • the rate of pay for this period

  17. Also (esp US): metre

    • the system of combining beats or pulses in music into successive groupings by which the rhythm of the music is established

    • a specific system having a specific number of beats in each grouping or bar: duple time

  18. music short for time value

  19. prosody a unit of duration used in the measurement of poetic metre; mora

  20. against time in an effort to complete something in a limited period

  21. ahead of time before the deadline

  22. all in good time in due course

  23. all the time continuously

  24. at one time

    • once; formerly

    • simultaneously

  25. at the same time

    • simultaneously

    • nevertheless; however

  26. at times sometimes

  27. beat time (of a conductor, etc) to indicate the tempo or pulse of a piece of music by waving a baton or a hand, tapping out the beats, etc

  28. before one's time prematurely

  29. for the time being for the moment; temporarily

  30. from time to time at intervals; occasionally

  31. gain time See gain 1 (def. 9)

  32. have no time for to have no patience with; not tolerate

  33. in good time

    • early

    • quickly

  34. in no time very quickly; almost instantaneously

  35. in one's own time

    • outside paid working hours

    • at one's own rate

  36. in time

    • early or at the appointed time

    • eventually

    • music at a correct metrical or rhythmic pulse

  37. keep time to observe correctly the accent or rhythmic pulse of a piece of music in relation to tempo

  38. lose time (of a timepiece) to operate too slowly

  39. lose no time to do something without delay

  40. make time

    • to find an opportunity

    • (often foll by with) US informal to succeed in seducing

  41. in the nick of time at the last possible moment; at the critical moment

  42. on time

    • at the expected or scheduled time

    • US payable in instalments

  43. pass the time of day to exchange casual greetings (with an acquaintance)

  44. time about Scot alternately; turn and turn about

  45. time and again frequently

  46. time off a period when one is absent from work for a holiday, through sickness, etc

  47. time on Australian an additional period played at the end of a match, to compensate for time lost through injury or (in certain circumstances) to allow the teams to achieve a conclusive result: Also called (in Britain and certain other countries): extra time

  48. time out of mind from time immemorial

  49. time of one's life a memorably enjoyable time

  50. (modifier) operating automatically at or for a set time, for security or convenience: time lock; time switch

  1. to ascertain or calculate the duration or speed of

  2. to set a time for

  1. to adjust to keep accurate time

  2. to pick a suitable time for

  3. sport to control the execution or speed of (an action, esp a shot or stroke) so that it has its full effect at the right moment

  1. the word called out by a publican signalling that it is closing time

Origin of time

Old English tīma; related to Old English tīd time, Old Norse tīmi, Alemannic zīme; see tide 1

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Scientific definitions for time


[ tīm ]

  1. A continuous, measurable quantity in which events occur in a sequence proceeding from the past through the present to the future. See Note at space-time.

    • An interval separating two points of this quantity; a duration.

    • A system or reference frame in which such intervals are measured or such quantities are calculated.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Other Idioms and Phrases with time


In addition to the idioms beginning with time

  • time after time
  • time and a half
  • time and tide wait for no man
  • time bomb
  • time flies
  • time hangs heavy
  • time immemorial
  • time is money
  • time is ripe
  • time is up
  • time of day
  • time off
  • time of one's life
  • time on one's hands
  • time out
  • time out of mind
  • time warp
  • time was
  • time will tell

also see:

  • about time
  • against the clock (time)
  • ahead of one's time
  • ahead of time
  • all the time
  • at all times
  • at one time
  • at one time or another
  • at the same time
  • at this point (in time)
  • at times
  • beat time
  • behind in (time)
  • behind the times
  • bide one's time
  • big time
  • buy time
  • call one's (time one's) own
  • chow down (time)
  • crunch time
  • do time
  • every time one turns around
  • for the moment (time being)
  • from time to time
  • good-time Charlie
  • hard time
  • have a good time
  • high time
  • in between times
  • in due course (of time)
  • in good time
  • in no time
  • in the fullness of time
  • in the nick of time
  • in time
  • keep time
  • keep up (with the times)
  • kill time
  • less than (no time)
  • long time no see
  • lose time
  • make good time
  • make time
  • make up for lost time
  • many is the (time)
  • mark time
  • not give someone the time of day
  • no time for
  • no time like the present
  • of one's life, time
  • on borrowed time
  • once upon a time
  • one by one (at a time)
  • on one's own time
  • on time
  • pass the time
  • play for time
  • point in time
  • pressed for time
  • serve time
  • show someone a good time
  • small time
  • stitch in time
  • take one's time
  • take up space (time)
  • tell time
  • whale of a time

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.