
[ turl ]

  1. a wheel, cam, or any revolving mechanism or piece of machinery.

  2. an allotted time for action that comes in rotation to each member of a group; turn.

verb (used with object)
  1. to rotate; turn; twirl.

verb (used without object)
  1. to make a rattling noise by spinning or revolving.

Origin of tirl

First recorded in 1480–90; metathetic variant of trill1

Words Nearby tirl

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use tirl in a sentence

  • I was in somewhat of a hurry and I had not time to go round by the gate and tirl at the pin.

    Lochinvar | S. R. Crockett
  • Are not you,” said Mrs. Dods, opening her eyes a little as she spoke, “the ghaist of Francis tirl?

    St. Ronan's Well | Sir Walter Scott