
[ tahyuhr ]

noun, verb (used with object),tyred, tyr·ing.British.

Words Nearby tyre

Other definitions for Tyre (2 of 2)

[ tahyuhr ]

  1. an ancient seaport of Phoenicia: one of the great cities of antiquity, famous for its navigators and traders; site of modern Sur.

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use tyre in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for tyre (1 of 2)


US tire

/ (ˈtaɪə) /

  1. a rubber ring placed over the rim of a wheel of a road vehicle to provide traction and reduce road shocks, esp a hollow inflated ring (pneumatic tyre) consisting of a reinforced outer casing enclosing an inner tube: See also tubeless tyre, cross-ply, radial-ply

  2. a ring of wear-resisting steel shrunk thermally onto a cast-iron railway wheel

  1. a metal band or hoop attached to the rim of a wooden cartwheel

  1. (tr) to fit a tyre or tyres to (a wheel, vehicle, etc)

Origin of tyre

C18: variant of C15 tire, probably from tire ³

British Dictionary definitions for Tyre (2 of 2)



/ (ˈtaɪə) /

  1. a port in S Lebanon, on the Mediterranean: founded about the 15th century bc; for centuries a major Phoenician seaport, famous for silks and its Tyrian-purple dye; now a small market town. Pop: 141 000 (2005 est): Arabic name: Sur

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