
[ bluhf ]
See synonyms for bluff on
adjective,bluff·er, bluff·est.
  1. good-naturedly direct, blunt, or frank; heartily outspoken: a big, bluff, generous man.

  2. presenting a bold and nearly perpendicular front, as a coastline: a bluff, precipitous headland.

  1. Nautical. (of the bow of a vessel) having a full, blunt form.

  1. a cliff, headland, or hill with a broad, steep face.

  2. North Dakota, Wisconsin, and the Canadian Prairie Provinces. a clump or grove of trees on a prairie or other generally treeless area.

Origin of bluff

First recorded in1620–30; origin uncertain; perhaps from Middle Low German blaff “smooth, even,” or from Middle Dutch blaf “broad, flat,” i.e., of a face or forehead

synonym study For bluff

1. See blunt.

Other words for bluff

Opposites for bluff

Other words from bluff

  • bluffly, adverb
  • bluffness, noun

Other definitions for bluff (2 of 2)

[ bluhf ]

verb (used with object)
  1. to mislead by a display of knowledge, self-confidence, or boldness: He bluffed me into believing that he was a doctor.

  2. to gain by a misleading display of knowledge, self-confidence, or boldness: He bluffed his way into the job.

  1. Poker, Bridge. to deceive (an opponent) by a show of confidence in the strength of one's cards.

verb (used without object)
  1. to mislead someone by presenting a bold, strong, or self-confident front: They threatened to sue, but they were only bluffing.

  2. Poker, Bridge. to deceive an opponent by a show of confidence in the strength of one's cards.

  1. an act or instance or the practice of misleading by presenting a bold, strong, or self-confident front: Her story was all a bluff to get money from us.His assertive manner is mostly bluff.

  2. a person who misleads by presenting knowledge, self-confidence, or boldness; bluffer: That big bluff doesn't have a nickel to his name.

Origin of bluff

First recorded in 1665–75; origin uncertain; perhaps from Low German bluffen “to bluster, frighten”; akin to Middle Dutch bluffen “to make a trick at cards”

Other words for bluff

Other words from bluff

  • bluff·a·ble, adjective
  • bluff·er, noun
  • un·bluff·a·ble, adjective
  • un·bluffed, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for bluff (1 of 2)


/ (blʌf) /

  1. to pretend to be confident about an uncertain issue or to have undisclosed resources, in order to influence or deter (someone)

  1. deliberate deception intended to create the impression of a stronger position or greater resources than one actually has

  2. call someone's bluff to challenge someone to give proof of his claims

Origin of bluff

C19: originally US poker-playing term, from Dutch bluffen to boast

Derived forms of bluff

  • bluffer, noun

British Dictionary definitions for bluff (2 of 2)


/ (blʌf) /

  1. a steep promontory, bank, or cliff, esp one formed by river erosion on the outside bend of a meander

  2. Canadian a clump of trees on the prairie; copse

  1. good-naturedly frank and hearty

  2. (of a bank, cliff, etc) presenting a steep broad face

Origin of bluff

C17 (in the sense: nearly perpendicular): perhaps from Middle Dutch blaf broad

Derived forms of bluff

  • bluffly, adverb
  • bluffness, noun

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with bluff


see call someone's bluff.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.