
[ kahm, kahlm ]
See synonyms for calm on
adjective,calm·er, calm·est.
  1. without rough motion; still or nearly still: a calm sea.

  2. not windy or stormy: a calm day.

  1. free from excitement or passion; tranquil: a calm face;a calm manner.

  1. freedom from motion or disturbance; stillness.

  2. Meteorology. wind speed of less than 1 mile per hour (0.447 meter per second).

  1. freedom from agitation, excitement, or passion; tranquility; serenity: We look forward to the calm of the island after the summer residents have all returned to the mainland.She faced the possibility of death with complete calm.

verb (used with object)
  1. to make calm: He calmed the excited dog.

verb (used without object)
  1. to become calm (usually followed by down).

Idioms about calm

  1. calm before the storm. See entry at calm before the storm.

Origin of calm

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English noun and adjective calm(e), from Italian calma (noun), calmo (adjective), from Late Latin cauma “summer heat” (with l perhaps from Latin calēre “to be hot”), from Greek kaûma (stem kaumat- ) “burning heat”; akin to kaíein “to burn” (see caustic); verb derivative of the noun

synonym study For calm

3. Calm, collected, composed, cool imply the absence of agitation. Calm implies an unruffled state, especially under disturbing conditions: calm in a crisis. Collected implies complete inner command of oneself, usually as the result of an effort: He remained collected in spite of the excitement. One who is composed has or has gained dignified self-possession: pale but composed. Cool implies clarity of judgment along with apparent absence of strong feeling or excitement, especially in circumstances of danger or strain: so cool that he seemed calm.

Other words for calm

Opposites for calm

Other words from calm

  • calm·ing·ly, adverb
  • calm·ly, adverb
  • calm·ness, noun
  • qua·si-calm, adjective
  • un·calm, adjective
  • un·calm·ness, noun Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for calm


/ (kɑːm) /

  1. almost without motion; still: a calm sea

  2. meteorol of force 0 on the Beaufort scale; without wind

  1. not disturbed, agitated, or excited; under control: he stayed calm throughout the confusion

  2. tranquil; serene: a calm voice

  1. an absence of disturbance or rough motion; stillness

  2. absence of wind

  1. tranquillity

  1. (often foll by down) to make or become calm

Origin of calm

C14: from Old French calme, from Old Italian calma, from Late Latin cauma heat, hence a rest during the heat of the day, from Greek kauma heat, from kaiein to burn

Derived forms of calm

  • calmly, adverb
  • calmness, noun

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