
[ gloh ]
See synonyms for glow on
  1. a light emitted by or as if by a substance heated to luminosity; incandescence.

  2. brightness of color.

  1. a sensation or state of bodily heat.

  2. a warm, ruddy color of the cheeks.

  3. warmth of emotion or passion; ardor.

verb (used without object)
  1. to emit bright light and heat without flame; become incandescent.

  2. to shine like something intensely heated.

  1. to exhibit a strong, bright color; be lustrously red or brilliant.

  2. (of the cheeks) to exhibit a healthy, warm, ruddy color.

  3. to become or feel very warm or hot.

  4. to show emotion or elation: to glow with pride.

Origin of glow

First recorded before 1000; Middle English glowen (verb), Old English glōwan; akin to German glühen, Old Norse glōa

Other words for glow

Other words from glow

  • outglow, verb (used with object)
  • un·der·glow, noun Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use glow in a sentence

  • But with that light of happiness was also the fiercer underglow of a great determination.

    The Country Beyond | James Oliver Curwood
  • There was distance and the far thing in that underglow of his eyes.

  • He only nodded and kept on staring at the fire with that curious underglow in his eyes.

  • In his eyes an underglow, so to call it, smoldered with fascinating vagueness.

    Eleven Possible Cases | Frank R. Stockton
  • There was no note of vanity or bombast in his voice as he said this, and in his eyes that new underglow deepened and shone.

British Dictionary definitions for glow


/ (ɡləʊ) /

  1. light emitted by a substance or object at a high temperature

  2. a steady even light without flames

  1. brilliance or vividness of colour

  2. brightness or ruddiness of complexion

  3. a feeling of wellbeing or satisfaction

  4. intensity of emotion; ardour

  1. to emit a steady even light without flames

  2. to shine intensely, as if from great heat

  1. to be exuberant or high-spirited, as from excellent health or intense emotion

  2. to experience a feeling of wellbeing or satisfaction: to glow with pride

  3. (esp of the complexion) to show a strong bright colour, esp a shade of red

  4. to be very hot

Origin of glow

Old English glōwan; related to Old Norse glōa, Old High German gluoen, Icelandic glōra to sparkle

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012