
[ strap ]
See synonyms for strap on
  1. a narrow strip of flexible material, especially leather, as for fastening or holding things together.

  2. a looped band by which an item may be held, pulled, lifted, etc., as a bootstrap or a ring that standing passengers may hold on to in a bus, subway, or the like.

  1. a strop for a razor.

  2. a long, narrow object or piece of something; strip; band.

  3. an ornamental strip or band.

  4. Machinery. a shallow metal fitting surrounding and retaining other parts, as on the end of a rod.

  5. Nautical, Machinery. strop (def. 2).

verb (used with object),strapped, strap·ping.
  1. to fasten or secure with a strap or straps.

  2. to fasten (a thing) around something in the manner of a strap.

  1. to sharpen on a strap or strop: to strap a razor.

  2. to beat or flog with a strap.

Origin of strap

First recorded in 1565–75; variant of strop

Other words from strap

  • strap·pa·ble, adjective
  • straplike, adjective
  • re·strap, verb (used with object), re·strapped, re·strap·ping.
  • un·der·strap, noun
  • un·der·strap, verb (used with object), un·der·strapped, un·der·strap·ping. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for strap


/ (stræp) /

  1. a long strip of leather or similar material, for binding trunks, baggage, or other objects

  2. a strip of leather or similar material used for carrying, lifting, or holding

  1. a loop of leather, rubber, etc, suspended from the roof in a bus or train for standing passengers to hold on to

  2. a razor strop

  3. commerce a triple option on a security or commodity consisting of one put option and two call options at the same price and for the same period: Compare strip 2 (def. 5)

  4. Irish derogatory, slang a shameless or promiscuous woman

  5. the strap a beating with a strap as a punishment

  6. short for shoulder strap

  7. hit one's straps Australian informal to achieve one's full potential or become fully effective

verbstraps, strapping or strapped (tr)
  1. to tie or bind with a strap

  2. to beat with a strap

  1. to sharpen with a strap or strop

Origin of strap

C16: variant of strop

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012