
[ wawrmth ]
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  1. the quality or state of being warm; moderate or gentle heat.

  2. the sensation of moderate heat.

  1. liveliness of feelings, emotions, or sympathies; ardor or fervor; enthusiasm or zeal: She spoke her mind with great warmth. There was warmth in his greeting and in his handshake.

  2. the quality of being intimate and attached: All children need warmth and affection from their families.

  3. an effect of brightness, cheerfulness, coziness, etc., achieved by the use of warm colors: The room has warmth since it was redecorated.

  4. the means or ability to produce a sensation of heat: a jacket with little warmth.

  5. slight anger or irritation: Her denial betrayed some warmth.

Origin of warmth

First recorded in 1125–75, warmth is from the Middle English word wermth.See warm, -th1

Other words for warmth

Other words from warmth

  • warmthless, adjective
  • warmth·less·ness, noun

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use warmth in a sentence

  • Yet here and there Claire was conscious of truant warmths, like brief flashes of sunlight through a somber forest.

    The Blood Red Dawn | Charles Caldwell Dobie
  • His memories were little warmths that dropped into his heart.

    Erik Dorn | Ben Hecht

British Dictionary definitions for warmth


/ (wɔːmθ) /

  1. the state, quality, or sensation of being warm

  2. intensity of emotion: he denied the accusation with some warmth

  1. affection or cordiality

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