
[ kuhn-duhk-tid ]
See synonyms for conducted on
  1. directed, managed, or carried on:This is a carefully conducted study of the effect of exposure to certain chemicals on pregnant women.

  2. led, guided, or escorted:Conducted tours of the Abbey and grounds are available.

  1. (of an orchestra, chorus, etc., or a musical performance) directed by a conductor:In this program, instrumental music students enroll in large conducted ensembles for a total of 8 semesters.

  2. (of heat, electricity, or sound) carried or channeled by some object or medium:More than 45% of the energy produced by solid-state devices is light, and the remainder is conducted heat, which warms the air and increases the air conditioning load.

  1. the simple past tense and past participle of conduct.

Origin of conducted


Other words from conducted

  • un·con·duct·ed, adjective
  • well-con·duct·ed, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use conducted in a sentence

  • No wellconducted establishment, Mr Weener, is without chutney, curry or worcestershire.