
[ win-zer ]

  1. (since 1917) a member of the present British royal family.: Compare Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (def. 1).

  2. Duke of. Edward VIII.

  1. Wallis Warfield, Duchess of Bessie Wallis Warfield Spencer Simpson, 1896–1986, U.S. socialite: wife of Edward VIII of England, who abdicated the throne to marry her.

  2. Official name Windsor and Maidenhead. a city in E Berkshire, in S England, on the Thames: the site of the residence (Windsor Castle ) of English sovereigns since William the Conqueror.

  3. a city in S Ontario, in SE Canada, opposite Detroit, Michigan.

  4. a town in N central Connecticut. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for Windsor (1 of 2)


/ (ˈwɪnzə) /

  1. a town in S England, in Windsor and Maidenhead unitary authority, Berkshire, on the River Thames, linked by bridge with Eton: site of Windsor Castle, residence of English monarchs since its founding by William the Conqueror; Old Windsor, royal residence in the time of Edward the Confessor, is 3 km (2 miles) southeast. Pop: 26 747 (2001 est): Official name: New Windsor

  2. a city in SE Canada, in S Ontario on the Detroit River opposite Detroit: motor-vehicle manufacturing; university (1963). Pop: 208 402 (2001)

British Dictionary definitions for Windsor (2 of 2)


/ (ˈwɪnzə) /

  1. the official name of the British royal family from 1917

  2. Duke of Windsor the title, from 1937, of Edward VIII

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