

View synonyms for protocols


  1. Agreed-upon standards and practices in technology (particularly information technology) that allow systems manufactured by many different companies to be compatible with each other and work within common larger systems. Protocols are established by industry trade groups, governments, or some combination thereof.

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“Protocols have specific meanings behind them, rather than do what I say because I say so,” she added.

Once, when occupying a cell in near a phone, I saw the suicide prevention protocols in action.

Some call this HIV anxiety ignorant, and argue that protocols on both sides of the industry are efficient in their own ways.

With few protective barriers in place, their safety relies heavily on testing protocols and trusting their partners.

Insufficient protocols or incompetent practices for and by the nurses in the hospital hot zone.

The theory of a Jewish world-conspiracy does not, of course, rest on the evidence of Protocols.

The Protocols were then declared by Mr. Wolf and his friends to have been completely and finally refuted.

The so-called refutation of the Protocols which appeared in the Times of August 1922, tends to confirm this opinion.

Preliminary protocols are exchanged, and then the family solicitors sit down and bargain over the matter.

The terms had been at last arranged between the two crews, after cautious protocols and many diplomatic discussions.



