


  1. variant of algo- as final element of a compound word:



combining form

  1. denoting pain or a painful condition of the part specified



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Derived Forms

  • -algic, combining_form:in_adjective

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Word History and Origins

Origin of -algia1

< New Latin < Greek; algo-, -ia

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Word History and Origins

Origin of -algia1

from Greek algos pain

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Example Sentences

He cannot bear that Algia should dance before strangers, but what can he do?


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Words That Use -algia

What does -algia mean?

The combining formalgia is used like a suffix meaning “pain.” It is often used in medical terms, especially in pathology.

The form -algia comes from the Greek álgos, meaning “pain.” Similar in meaning and use to algo- are odyno- and -odynia, which derive from odýnē, also meaning “pain.”

What are variants of -algia?

In rare instances, a variant of the combining form -algia is algy, as in coxalgy.

A corresponding form of -algia combined to the beginning of words is algo-, as in algophobia. Learn more about these forms in our Words That Use articles for each.

Examples of -algia

An example of a word you may have encountered that features -algia is fibromyalgia, “a syndrome characterized by fatigue and chronic pain in the muscles and in tissues surrounding the joints.”

The first two parts of the word, fibro- and my- mean “fiber” and “muscle,” respectively. The form -algia means “pain,” as we have seen. Fibromyalgia literally translates to “muscle fiber pain.”

What are some words that use the combining form -algia?

What are some other forms that -algia may be commonly confused with?

Break it down!

The combining form ot- means “ear.” With this in mind, what is an everyday term for otalgia?


