
[ kahr-muh-lahyt ]

  1. a mendicant friar belonging to a religious order founded at Mt. Carmel, Palestine, in the 12th century; White Friar.

  2. a nun belonging to this order.

  1. of or relating to Carmelites or their order.

Origin of Carmelite

1400–50; late Middle English <Medieval Latin Carmelita, named after Carmel, first seat of the order; see -ite1 Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use Carmelite in a sentence

  • Black-robed nuns and bare-footed Carmelites pass silently along.

    Belgium | George W. T. (George William Thomson) Omond
  • The church of the Carmelites, who were also suspected of some guilty knowledge of Warfuse's plot, was sacked.

    Belgium | George W. T. (George William Thomson) Omond
  • Possibly the Carmelites of Melun had recommended him to her, and perhaps it was on their advice that she demanded his surrender.

  • "I only went over to the other side of the river—to the Carmelites," said Newman.

    The American | Henry James
  • They tell me it's most dreadful, sir; of all the nuns in Christendom the Carmelites are the worst.

    The American | Henry James

British Dictionary definitions for Carmelite


/ (ˈkɑːməˌlaɪt) /

nounRC Church
  1. a member of an order of mendicant friars founded about 1154; a White Friar

  2. a member of a corresponding order of nuns founded in 1452, noted for its austere rule

  1. (modifier) of or relating to the Carmelite friars or nuns

Origin of Carmelite

C14: from French; named after Mount Carmel, where the order was founded

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